Q: What is an RTO and what does it stand for?
Deciding what to study and ensuring the outcomes can help you achieve your career goals is a massive choice. From TAFE to university to private education providers — our options are endless.
So, how do we ensure that we are getting the best training packages, accredited courses and high-level qualifications when selecting a VET provider?
What does RTO stand for?
‘RTO’ stands for registered training organisation. An RTO is a registered provider of recognised and accredited VET (vocational education and training) training and qualifications as set by the AQF (australian qualifications framework).
What does an RTO provide?
An RTO is generally a private training provider that is registered by ASQA ( Australian skills quality authority) or a state regulator. Every RTO must meet rigorous government standards to get accreditation and issue the high-quality nationally, and industry recognised qualifications it provides.
The types of RTOs can vary, so to see the national register and a complete list of RTOs in Australia, visit training.gov.au.
The vet courses delivered by Australian RTOs provide qualifications at these levels:
- Certificates i, ii, iii and iv
- Diploma
- Advanced Diploma
- Graduate Certificate
- Graduate Diploma.
To find details on a particular course, you can visit Myskills. Their course finder has accurate and thorough information and can direct you to the best RTO for you.
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