102 Side Hustle Ideas Compared: Make Extra Cash

Need ideas for a side hustle? Whether you’re after something that will earn you cash straight away, or you’re playing the long game, this list of 102 side hustle will help you choose the best one for you.
While everyone wants something different out of a side hustle, some are better than others. Side hustles are a trending way to build income streams and make extra cash. But before you jump into the gig economy, it’s a great idea to make sure the side hustle you choose suits your life and your goals.
Everyone and their cat has a side hustle. Lists of side hustle ideas abound, rich with the promise of effortlessly generating thousands of extra dollars. But is that the reality? Side hustles are not a get rich quick scheme. There is no magic money fountain. There are, however, several ways to make extra money, some better than others. Not all of which will suit you – but some that will.
What Makes a Great Side Hustle?
The catch is all that all these business ideas require a sacrifice of some kind, with the aim of long-term gain. It’s usually some combination of time, money, or using a hard-earned skill set. Some hustles will only require one, such as hours of your time, or upfront monetary investment. Some side jobs will demand all three. Some hustles start you earning straight away. Some lucrative side hustles take years to pay off, but when they do, they pay big bucks and can even be scaled from part-time side gig into a full-time job.
So, in the end, the answer is: whatever works with the resources you have, and achieves the outcome you want.
Looking for something you can do from home? Find the best ways to make extra money online.
Your Guide to the Best Side Hustles in Australia: Make an Extra $1000 a Month
Keen to join the millions of people running a side hustle? Here are the best ideas for starting your side job, reviewed by real people – so you can find out which is the best choice for you.
How to Find Your Perfect Side Hustle
We all have different life situations and needs, so we’re all looking for something different out of a side hustle: enjoyment and satisfaction, a new source of income, career capital. But simple lists don’t often do much to clarify your options, which is why we’ve created a comparison table. Follow these steps to find the perfect side hustle for you.
What Do You Have More Of?
First, you decide what resources you have at your disposal: Spare time? Savings? A rare skill?
Long or Short Term?
Then, identify whether you’d rather have lower short-term gains or higher long-term gains. Do you want to build a passive income stream, or replace your full-time job?
Find Ideas That Match Those Criteria
Your next step is to identify the ideas that fulfil your criteria on the table. We’ve marked the best side hustle ideas – ways to make cash that have the right balance between effort and payoff.
A side hustle can help you achieve your financial or career goals, but it’s a good idea to make sure it fits in with your life and your interests first. If one of these ideas has caught your eye, why not investigate further with a small business course?